
RYRR30I: Multiprotocol Fully Integrated 13.56MHz RFID & NFC Module

Multiprotocol Fully Integrated 13.56 MHz RFID & NFC Module

Artikelnummer VAR-827001756

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The RYRR30I module is a 13.56-MHz RFID and Near Field Communication (NFC) system. Built-in programming options make the device suitable for a wide range of applications for proximity and vicinity identification systems.

◆ Supports Near Field Communication (NFC) Standards NFCIP-1 (ISO/IEC 18092) Active P2P.
◆ Completely Integrated Protocol Handling for ISO15693, ISO14443A, ISO14443B and FeliCa.
◆ Capacitive sensing - Wake-up
◆ Industrial NFC/RFID Engine.
◆ Firmware upgrade via UART Interface.
◆ Operation Temperature range: -40 to +85°C.
◆ Apple® Wallet VAS & Google® SmartTap pass (special version)

Art.-ID 101469
Zustand Neu
Modell RYRR30I
Hersteller Reyax
Herstellungsland Taiwan
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 110 g
Netto-Gewicht 100 g


Item Min. Typical Max. Unit Condition
Operation Voltage 3 3.3 3.6 V VDD
VOH 0.9*VDD VDD VDD V TXD High-level output voltage
VOL 0 0 0.1*VDD V TXD Low-level output voltage
VIH 0.7*VDD 3.3 VDD V RXD High-level input voltage
VIL 0 0 0.3*VDD V RXD Low-level input voltage
RF Output Power     30 dBm  
RF Transmit Peak current   550   mA  
Average Current   150   mA  
Communication Range   5   cm Standard card
Reset Time   100   ms  
Baud Rate   115200   bps 8,N,1
RF Frequency Range 13.553 13.56 13.567 MHz  
Operating Temperature -40 25 +85 ˚C  
Antenna         External
Dimensions         30mm*17mm*3mm
Weight   2.38   g